Doctoral Scholarship Regulations


Clinical research is a recognized need for Portuguese Ophthalmology and, simultaneously, for the members of the Portuguese Society of Ophthalmology (SPO).

Clinical research requires material and financial means that go beyond the usual availability of institutions, especially in the context of a PhD thesis.

With the creation of this scholarship, the SPO intends to associate itself with the partial financing of these project. The goal is to contribute to the development of Portuguese Ophthalmology by creating an incentive for doctoral studies of SPO members.

I. Aim

Support for scientific research in areas related to Ophthalmology, included in a PhD thesis.

II. Action

Total or partial financing of an original scientific research project, to be carried out totally or partially on national territory, in the course of a doctoral thesis.

III. Applicants

1. The Principal Investigator is a member of SPO, with updated membership fees;

2. The institution in charge (hospital, university or other) must be based in Portugal, although the doctorate or scientific research may be partially carried abroad.

IV. Application procedure

1. Application form

2. Original project structured in a PhD thesis:

(a) Introduction

(b) Objectives

c) Methodology

(d) forecasting the range of results and their applicability

e) References

f) Schedule of tasks and completion of work

g) Identification of the Principal Investigator

h) Research team members (name, affiliated institution, academic degree and email)

(i) the project work plan and expenditure plan

j) Sources of funding (secured or planned)

3. Documents to be submitted:

(a) Brief curriculum vitae of the principal investigator.

b) Document from the Service or Department Director authorizing the execution of the work.

c) Reference of all scientific articles or communications of the research team, on the subject or subjects of the project, published or presented in the last five years.

d) Document from the Ethics Committee of the institution

e) Document proving the acceptance of the thesis by the University

V. Judging panel

1. Composition

a) Chairman: President of the SPO.

b) Members: 4 members to be appointed by the Direction Board.

2. Assessment and grading methodology

(a) To be established by the judging board in accordance with this Regulation.

(b) The formal meeting with physical presence of the panel members may be replaced by alternative methodologies to be proposed by the President.

VI. Deadlines

1. Applications shall be submitted by 31 October each year.

2. The decisions of the Jury will be communicated by the Board at the Portuguese Congress of Ophthalmology.

3. The project may already be underway at the time of the application or should start during the beginning of the year following the announcement of the results.

4. The Principal Investigator shall communicate the project start date to the SPO Board.

5. The Principal Investigator is obliged to make annual reports to the Board of Directors of SPO.

6. The final report must be submitted no later than 36 months after the start of the project.

VII. Amount of the Scholarship

1. The value of the grants will not exceed a total of 10,000.00€ (ten thousand euros) annually, distributed by one or more projects approved by the judging panel.

2. The scholarships will be decided annually by the Board of the SPO, being advertised at the annual congress of the SPO.

VIII. Commitments of the Principal Investigator

1. Availability for formal presentation of the project, or final work, at a meeting of the SPO, by invitation of the Board of the SPO.

2. Submission of an article published (or accepted) in an indexed journal and it is also suggested to submit an article to the journal "Oftalmologia".

3. 3. 50% of the funds will be transferred at the beginning of the project and the remaining 50% will be transferred after proof of acceptance of at least one article with the results of the project.

4. Failure to submit reports leads to the suspension of the funding programme.

5. Failure to complete the project shall result in the return of all of the previously funded amount

6. Reference to the grant in publications or other forms of public presentation.

IX. Cases of omission

Any omitted cases will be resolved by the Board of the SPO.